Search32 v2.02 Copyright 1995 - 1997 Anet Inc. 315 Alamo Square Alamo, CA 94507 USA Search32 is the fastest 32-bit text retrieval tool for Windows 95 and Windows NT operating systems. Designed for frequent word or word combination retrieval from text files (ASCII/ANSI) totaling tens or even hundreds of Megabytes. Unlike standard search programs, such as Windows 95's Find tool, Search32 uses specially created ancillary index files. This requires additional disk space (index file size is usually 30 - 60% of source files) but performs searches amazingly fast. Especially useful when performing numerous search queries on the same groups of files. Index creation is fast and easy. FEATURES REGARDING INDEXES: Work with many index files or indexes simultaneously. Easily create update or remove indexes. NEW! Automatic imperceptible background updating of indexes. Indexes stay up-to-date automatically. No need for manual updates. Interface options allow user to designate any or all indexes as automatically updatable. One index can include unlimited text files. Viability is limited only by available system memory. Easily add or remove files from existing indexes or create new indexes quickly. Updates in even less time than it takes to create a new index. Create and search remote indexes on Microsoft local networks. (This version is local and doesn't allow indexes to be shared). Optional setting allows Search32 to update all indexes at launch. SEARCH QUERIES AND RESULTS: All searches are CASE INSENSITIVE. NEW! Search for words up to 99 symbols in length. Search for single words or a group of words. Wildcard symbols allow searches for partial words. Example: bit* (bitmap) *bit* (arbitrary) *bit (inhibit) Search for a combination of words using Boolean operations AND OR and NOT. For example easily find all files with entries of one particular word and no entries of another. Query results displayed almost instantly. Amazingly fast operation. Displays a list of matching files the total number of matching files and the total number of entries found. NEW! Quick load and full text view of any file from the list of resultant files. NEW! Font and color customizing for the file viewer. NEW! Highlighting and quick navigating in the file viewer window. NEW! Easy re-search for any selected word while in the file viewer window. NEW! Easy re-search for any word among files found. Run the editor program associated with a file by double-clicking the file name. Context sensitive menu of available shell operations (Open Print Quick View etc.) OTHER FEATURES: Multi language support: The following ANSI character sets are supported: English English + Russian English + German English + French All queries performed during current search session remain available for fast easy re-search. Quick Search from within any application. Just select a word and press Search32's hot key combination (default = Ctrl + S). Search32 activates with the word loaded and instantly supplies you with appropriate search results. REQUIREMENTS: Windows 95, Windows NT operating systems. Search32 is not compatible with Windows 3.x. INSTALLATION: For previously installed versions of Search32 1.03.xxxx and earlier it is recommended the existing version be uninstalled before installing the current version. This allows installation in the same directory (use Windows 95 Control Panel Add/Remove Programs). Early versions are VB-applications (the current is Delphi-application) and have a different uninstall utility which correctly removes all VB-components from the disk. Uninstall does not remove "Indexes" directory, the indexes themselves or Search32.cfg. These should be removed manually. It is recommended when installing newer version that you remove old indexes. The new indexing structure may differ. EVALUATION TERM AND REGISTRATION: Evaluate Search32 for 30 days (or 50 calls). After this Search32 remains fully functional except automatic index updating will be disabled. You must register your copy of Search32 with Anet Inc. The registration fee is $30. Upon registration you will be supplied with registration number and password to avoid the opening nag-screen and recover automatic updating ability. Run Search32 press 'Registration form' button on nag-screen and complete the registration form. ----------------------------------------------